Results for 'Salvador Cruz Rambaud'

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  1.  10
    Relevance of financial information in quick loans negotiation.Salvador Cruz Rambaud & Ana María Sánchez Pérez - 2016 - Science and Philosophy 4 (2):107-116.
    Nowadays, most loan transactions are contracted by using the exponential discounting as the underlying standard economic model to value this type of financial operations. In a framework of absence of fees to be paid by the borrower, the interest rate of the exponential discount function is, moreover, the true interest rate of the operation. Nevertheless, there exist a set of circumstances which make this identity false. Among others, these characteristics are: the use of linear discount as the underlying discount function, (...)
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    Paicor Deporte: políticas públicas de Educación Física en el período de la recuperación democrática en Córdoba (1983-1995). [REVIEW]Rocío Larrechea Calderón & Salvador Cruz Guzmán - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:366-389.
    La historia de la Educación Física argentina que conocemos y hemos estudiado está contada y reconstruida a partir de una revisión nacional, con gran profundidad en la Ciudad y la Provincia de Buenos Aires. No obstante, existen muchas historias que esperan ser descubiertas y narradas. En este sentido, este artículo es una revisión de la historia reciente y local en una perspectiva genealógica, enmarcada en el paradigma cualitativo de investigación. Particularmente, analiza el subprograma que formó parte del Programa de Asistencia (...)
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    It Is Going to Be a Long Clinic Day.Salvador Cruz-Flores - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (1):29-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:It Is Going to Be a Long Clinic DaySalvador Cruz-FloresIt was a routine neurology clinic day. I entered the room where one of the residents was seeing a patient that we will call Patty, a 32-year-old long-standing epilepsy patient. Patty was sitting in the chair with her husband by her side. She started screaming at me, complaining that she was tired of feeling sick and unable to do (...)
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  4. Counting Heads: Reason, the Human, and Capital Punishment.María de la Cruz Salvador López - 2022 - In Rick Elmore & Ege Selin Islekel (eds.), The biopolitics of punishment: Derrida and Foucault. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
  5.  20
    A Copa do Mundo ao cair da Tarde: a cobertura jornalística da conquista da seleção alemã.João Batista de Abreu Junior & Roberto Falcão - 2016 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 23 (1).
    O trabalho analisa, por meio da cobertura do diário A Tarde, de Salvador, a convivência entre a delegação alemã de futebol e a população local de Santa Cruz Cabrália, no sul da Bahia, que serviu de base para a seleção que conquistou a Copa do Mundo de futebol em 2014. A partir dos critérios de identidade cultural, globalização e seleção jornalística, mostra que a estratégia de aproximação com os moradores marcou a cobertura de A Tarde e criou um (...)
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    When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes's Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish Orientalism.E. C. Graf - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):68-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes’s Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish OrientalismE. C. Graf (bio)My purpose has been to place in the plaza of our republic a game table which everyone can approach to entertain themselves without fear of being harmed by the rods; by which I mean without harm to spirit or body, because honest and agreeable exercises are always more likely to do good than harm.—Miguel (...)
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    La filosofía en Al-Ándalus.Andrés Martínez Lorca (ed.) - 2017 - [Córdoba]: Almuzara.
    La presente obra ofrece una perspectiva abierta de la filosofía de al-Andalus con enfoques diversos y complementarios a cargo de reconocidos especialistas del arabismo, el hebraísmo y el pensamiento medieval: Miguel Asín Palacios, Manuel Alonso, Roger Arnaldez, Miguel Cruz Hernández, Fernando Díaz Esteban, Salvador Gómez Nogales, David Gonzalo Maeso, Joaquín Lomba, Andrés Martínez Lorca y Juan Vernet. Novedad importante que reflejan estas páginas es la integración de los filósofos judíos y musulmanes en la casa común de al-Andalus, como (...)
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    El patrimonio cultural como factor de desarrollo turístico: estudio de caso en la ciudad de Córdoba.Francisco González Santa Cruz & Tomás López-Guzmán - 2017 - Arbor 193 (786):421.
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    Scotus’s Interpretation of Metaphysics 9.2.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2007 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81:217-230.
    The aim of this paper is to explain Scotus’s transformation of the Aristotelian view on the difference between rational and irrational potencies. In Metaphysics 9, 2 Aristotle establishes the distinction between rational and nonrational powers and explains their difference in terms of their being ad opposita and ad unum, respectively. In his interpretation Scotus concludes that the most basic division between active principles is the difference between nature and will, rather than the difference between univocal and equivocal agents. Thus, the (...)
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    Descripción e implementación de un magnetómetro Kerr convencional.Javier Ignacio Torres Osorio & Beatríz Cruz Muñoz - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  11. Husserl y la Filosofía Griega.Danilo Cruz Velez - 1962 - Ideas Y Valores 12 (15):5.
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  12. Nihilismo e inmoralismo.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1985 - In Rubén Sierra Mejía (ed.), La Filosofía en Colombia, siglo XX. Bogotá, Colombia: Procultura.
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  13.  9
    Tabula rasa.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1991 - Bogotá, D.E.: Planeta.
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  14.  17
    Historia de las ideas filosóficas en Santo Domingo durante el siglo XVIII.Rosa Elena Pérez de la Cruz - 2000 - México: UNAM.
  15.  61
    Properties of the real line and weak forms of the Axiom of Choice.Omar De la Cruz, Eric Hall, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2005 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 51 (6):598-609.
    We investigate, within the framework of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory ZF, the interrelations between weak forms of the Axiom of Choice AC restricted to sets of reals.
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  16. Corporate social responsibility and family business in Spain.María la Cruz Déniz Dénidez & Ma Katiuska Cabrera Suárez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (1).
    Despite the economic relevance and distinctiveness of family firms, little attention has been devoted to researching their nature and functioning. Traditionally, family firms have been associated both to positive and negative features in their relationships with the stakeholders. This can be linked to different orientations toward corporate social responsibility. Thus, this research aims to identify the approaches that Spanish family firms maintain about social responsibility, based on the model developed by Quazi and O Brien Journal of Business Ethics 25, 33–51 (...)
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    Causalidad, naturaleza y libertad en el tránsito de la Baja Edad Media a la Modernidad.Cruz González-Ayesta - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico:9-23.
    Esta introducción presenta la contraposición entre causa natural y causa libre. En primer lugar, se muestra que el modo moderno de comprender y oponer lo natural (como fuerza de efi ciencia) a lo libre (como racionalidad) hunde sus raíces en el pensamiento de J. Duns Escoto. A continuación se plantea la hipótesis de la continuidad entre el pensamiento de Escoto y la Modernidad a través de la mediación de la Segunda Escolástica. Por último, se presta atención al pensamiento de Suárez (...)
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  18.  14
    Dialogia na persuasão "publicitária".Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):148-167.
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    Interpretación poética del arte.José Salvador Y. Conde - 1984 - Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia.
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  20.  14
    Documentalidad Y subjetividad: La imagen verídica (una aproximación al nuevo documental desde la estética analítica).Salvador Rubio Marco - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 39:169-180.
    The aims of my paper are triple: 1) to offer a panoramic view on the evolution of theoretical reflections on documentary definition, specially into the contemporary analytic aesthetics; 2) to evaluate the solution proposed by Carl Plantinga defining documentary as AVR (Assserted Veridical Representation); and 3) to contrast the aforementioned theoretical problem with an example of new documentary film, My Architect (2003) by N. Kahn, wich I find particulary interesting and significant concerning that problem. My thesis is that new documentary (...)
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  21.  14
    Escuela y familia en la configuración de resiliencia de jóvenes.Miriam De la Cruz Reyes & Selene Muñoz Velazquez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (1):1-9.
    En este documento se parte de la resiliencia como componente que influye de manera positiva para el éxito escolar, se describen los elementos que la configuran, y se discuten con los rasgos particulares de jóvenes que asisten a una escuela secundaria inserta en un contexto considerado de alto riesgo social en México. Se trata de un trabajo cualitativo de perspectiva fenomenológica. El análisis de los datos permitió identificar que los estudiantes responden positivamente a algunos de los atributos que se necesitan (...)
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  22.  20
    Remote teaching practices and learning support during COVID-19 lockdowns in Portugal: Were there changes across time?Diana Alves, Sofia Marques, Joana Cruz, Sofia Abreu Mendes & Irene Cadime - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged countries, regions, schools, and individuals. School closures due to lockdowns forced changes in the teaching practices and the learning support provided to children at home. This study aimed to provide insights on the changes between the first and the second lockdowns in Portugal, concerning remote teaching practices and family support to children's education. A self-report questionnaire was filled by 144 parents of third grade students. The results show that, between the two lockdowns, there was a significant (...)
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  23.  19
    Differential acuity of the two eyes.Antonio Augusto Velasco E. Cruz & Harley E. A. Bicas - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (5):416-418.
  24.  15
    Juristas parlamentarias en la Transición: Las herederas de una larga historia.María Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    El presente trabajo busca establecer una relación entre el marcado carácter masculino que durante siglos ha tenido la actividad política y el veto a la mujer en el acceso a los estudios de Derecho. Partiendo de la explicación de la regla prohibitiva y el recuerdo de las juristas parlamentarias pioneras de principios del siglo xx, el estudio se centra en las juristas parlamentarias de la Transición, en concreto, en las que formaron parte de las Cortes Constituyentes de 1977-1979. El objetivo (...)
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  25.  21
    Vicisitudes del yo en Husserl.Danilo Cruz Vélez - 1968 - Man and World 1 (4):540-562.
  26.  21
    El concepto de dialéctica en Marx.Francisco Fernández Buey, Salvador López Arnal & José Sarrión Andaluz - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:51-66.
    El presente artículo recoge una conferencia inédita. Por un lado, el autor se centra en examinar los usos impropios de la noción de dialéctica, rechazando su concepción como lógica alternativa a la formal, como ciencia o como método en un sentido estricto. Por otro lado, muestra una caracterización de la dialéctica como una «metódica» en sentido amplio que se propone captar totalidades concretas en su despliegue desde un punto de vista materialista, histórico y crítico, con finalidades emancipatorias, cuya cientificidad sólo (...)
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  27.  8
    For the sake of Venezuela: Power-Sharing mechanism challenges and opportunities.Francisco Salvador Barroso Cortes - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    Queda por determinar si lo que prevalecerá será una Venezuela unida en la diversidad o una dividida y presumiblemente destruida. Este artículo sugiere que las élites políticas venezolanas podrían contemplar el poder compartido como un medio para restaurar el Estado-nación. El artículo profundiza en los retos y las perspectivas de adoptar el poder compartido como estrategia de las élites no sólo para el mantenimiento de la paz, sino también, y de manera crucial, para los procesos de pacificación. Partiendo de una (...)
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  28. De la angustia a la libertad.Salvador de Madariaga - 1955 - México,: Editorial Hermes.
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  29. Portrait of a man standing.Salvador de Madariaga - 1968 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
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  30.  53
    Do tipo textual ao gênero de texto: a redação no vestibular.Maria Helena Cruz Pistori - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (1):142-160.
    Os atuais documentos oficiais elaborados pelo Ministério da Educação no Brasil têm preconizado o ensino da produção textual por meio do gênero -discursivo ou textual. Seguindo essa linha, o exame vestibular de ingresso a uma das maiores universidades paulistas de 2011 também solicitou dos candidatos a elaboração de três textos, de diferentes gêneros. Com o objetivo de verificar que horizontes teórico-metodológicos fundamentaram a elaboração daquele exame, analisamos os textos do Manual do Candidato, da Prova de redação e da Expectativa da (...)
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  31. La deuda externa hoy:¿ la nueva esclavitud?Salvador Verges Ramirez - 2000 - Espíritu 49 (122):267-280.
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  32.  43
    La unidad de las dualidades humanas. Sobre «El hombre como ser dual» de Salvador Piá Tarazona.Piá Tarazona de Salvador & Juan Fernando Sellés - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:181-208.
    Salvador Piá Tarazona’s book, El hombre como ser dual is an important methodical-thematic advance in the research of transcendental anthropology as much as it does not detain its focus on human nature nor its development , but rather on th readicality of personal intimacy and its openness to transcendence.
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    DESPRET, Vinciane: "A la salud de los muertos. Relatos de quienes quedan", traducción de Pablo Méndez, La Oveja Roja, Madrid, 2022, 192p. [REVIEW]María de la Cruz Vilas - 2023 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 42 (2).
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    Business Ethics and the Brain: Rommel Salvador and Robert G. Folger.Rommel Salvador & Robert G. Folger - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):1-31.
    ABSTRACT:Neuroethics, the study of the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying ethical decision-making, is a growing field of study. In this review, we identify and discuss four themes emerging from neuroethics research. First, ethical decision-making appears to be distinct from other types of decision-making processes. Second, ethical decision-making entails more than just conscious reasoning. Third, emotion plays a critical role in ethical decision-making, at least under certain circumstances. Lastly, normative approaches to morality have distinct, underlying neural mechanisms. On the basis of (...)
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    Estudios jurídicos en homenaje al profesor Santa Cruz Teijeiro.José Santa Cruz Teijeiro (ed.) - 1974 - Valencia: Universidad, Facultad de Derecho.
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  36. Aproximación al pensamiento teológico de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.Enrique Ignacio Aguayo Cruz - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 68.
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    Poems by Salvador Bernal.Salvador Bernal - 1998 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 2 (2):295-298.
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  38. Farmers and their self-defined numerical mathematical languages.P. Rambaud - 1989 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 87:197-221.
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  39. Les agriculteurs et leurs langages mathématiques.Placide Rambaud - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
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  40.  14
    Mort subite du nourrisson: avantages du système de prise en charge français.Caroline Rambaud - 1996 - Médecine et Droit 1996 (16):1-4.
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    A multidimensional analysis of tax practitioners' ethical judgments.Cheryl A. Cruz, William E. Shafer & Jerry R. Strawser - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (3):223 - 244.
    This study investigates professional tax practitioners' ethical judgments and behavioral intentions in cases involving client pressure to adopt aggressive reporting positions, an issue that has been identified as the most difficult ethical/moral problem facing public accounting practitioners. The multidimensional ethics scale (MES) was used to measure the extent to which a hypothetical behavior was consistent with five ethical philosophies (moral equity, contractualism, utilitarianism, relativism, and egoism). Responses from a sample of 67 tax professionals supported the existence of all dimensions of (...)
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    Psychological explanation and noise in modeling. Comments on Whit Schonbein's "cognition and the power of continuous dynamical systems".Joe Cruz - 2006
    I find myself ambivalent with respect to the line of argument that Schonbein offers. I certainly want to acknowledge and emphasize at the outset that Schonbein’s discussion has brought to the fore a number of central, compelling and intriguing issues regarding the nature of the dynamical approach to cognition. Though there is much that seems right in this essay, perhaps my view is that the paper invites more questions than it answers. My remarks here then are in the spirit of (...)
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  43.  21
    More on fréchet–urysohn ideals.Salvador García Ferreira & Osvaldo Guzmán - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):829-851.
    We study the Rudin–Keisler pre-order on Fréchet–Urysohn ideals on $\omega $. We solve three open questions posed by S. García-Ferreira and J. E. Rivera-Gómez in the articles [5] and [6] by establishing the following results: •For every AD family $\mathcal {A},$ there is an AD family $\mathcal {B}$ such that $\mathcal {A}^{\perp } <_{{\textsf {RK}}}\mathcal {B}^{\perp }.$ •If $\mathcal {A}$ is a nowhere MAD family of size $\mathfrak {c}$ then there is a nowhere MAD family $\mathcal {B}$ such that $\mathcal (...)
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  44.  7
    El origen de la moral.Salvador Giner - 2012 - Barcelona: Ediciones Península.
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  45. Cientificismo y analogía en las ciencias sociales.Salvador Jara Guerrero - 2010 - Analogía Filosófica 24 (2):111-132.
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  46.  9
    La especialización profesional, clave en la cumbre euroárabe de veterinaria.Israel Salvador - 2012 - Argos: Informativo Veterinario 140:6-7.
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    Runaway pretence.Jason D’Cruz - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Deceptive displays of emotion can be used to manipulate another person’s beliefs, desires and emotions. This is an important but often neglected function of imaginative pretence. Pretending to be angry or aggrieved is a powerful strategy to gain emotional leverage. But subjects who deploy such tactics expose themselves to the peculiar hazard of losing track of the fact they are pretending. Such manipulators risk losing grip on their all-things-considered emotional take in a way that undermines their own goals and harms (...)
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  48. Lourdes Lontok Cruz: Mother, Aunt & Friend.Timmy Cruz, Sabrina Lontok & Cynthia V. Subijano - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):107-117.
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  49. Bioetica Y derechos de las generaciones futuras.Salvador Dario Bergel - 1998 - Episteme 3 (6):262-275.
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  50.  33
    The cognitive basis of arithmetic.Helen3 De Cruz, Hansjörg Neth & Dirk Schlimm - 2010 - In Benedikt Löwe & Thomas Müller (eds.), PhiMSAMP: philosophy of mathematics: sociological aspsects and mathematical practice. London: College Publications. pp. 59-106.
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